My Future AZ

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My Future AZ prepares students for graduation and beyond.

My Future AZ prepares students by supporting career aspirations and readiness for Arizona Career Pathways.

My Future AZ is where Arizona K-12 students connect their personal interests with possible career paths as they move to graduation. Students are met with resources and support to take the next steps in their journey to becoming career ready in their field of choice.

Meet the My Future AZ Team

Emily Brown

School Counselor Director, Arizona Department of Education

Jessica Howe

Director, My FutureAZ

Amber Folkman

Education Manager, My FutureAZ

Our Partners

My Future AZ provides students career awareness, exploration, and planning. The platform allows them create a digital education and career plan and portfolio that will be available and easy to access throughout their lifetime.
Counselors and educators are able to review students’ interests, college and career plans. They can message students within the platform and have filter and sort functionality to understand where students are in their education and career planning journey.
Parents and guardians are critical to students’ success in education and career plans. Students can invite their parent or guardian to view their education and career action plan. Parents are able to create their own education and career plans through our shared platform

Partner with My Future AZ?

My Future AZ is made possible through the generous support of our community, industry, and government partners.

Learn more about implementing My Future AZ within your school district